Episode 4: Song: Say No Say no, say no No immigration, border is closed No, me say no, me say no, me say no, me say no, me say no-o No immigration, border is closed No more soft touch from Great Britain No immigration, border is … [Continue reading]
The Party That’s Never Won: The Party Conference
Episode 3: Tick-tock. Tick-tock. The clock at the front of hall beat out a slow steady tattoo. This was the last day of the United Liberation Party (ULP) conference and the place was still rammed to bursting point. For the moment, throngs of the … [Continue reading]
Song: Don’t be Snooty with the Kenyans
If there is one thing guaranteed to rile our Stella it is the patronising British attitude to the ‘Africans’. “Africa is a continent… not a bloody country!” she begins to wail to ultra-middle-class golf club types up who momentarily glance at their … [Continue reading]
Song: Protest Singer by Stella & the Wailers
We first met Stella at a very, very dull event a few years ago. She was carrying a guitar and looking as bored as we were, so we pounced over for a chat. Within a few minutes she was belting out a tongue-in-cheek explanation of what she did, and … [Continue reading]
Song: Keep the Searchlight Shining
For the 50th Anniversary of Searchlight Magazine, we collaborated with our go-to singer, Stella, to commemorate the occasion. Whilst its first public performance wasn’t exactly a success (we forgot to bring Stella with us. Seriously. This is not a … [Continue reading]
Mark Farrelly Interview: Writer, Actor, Performer
We saw Mark Farrelly’s solo depiction of Patrick Hamilton in Silence of Snow, at the Old Red Lion theatre pub in north London, back in October and were hugely impressed. Few people would be able to write this piece, let alone perform it… and he … [Continue reading]
Spoz Interview: Brummie Poet Laureate
Giovanni Esposito, more commonly known as Spoz, is much more down to earth than any preconceived image of a ‘poet’ you might have. Dressed in a vest and jeans and sporting a dark Mohican, he is an extremely friendly chap with a ready Brummie wit and … [Continue reading]
David Edgar Interview: The Arts & the Left
It’s around 5.30pm, the rest of the conference crowd has disappeared off to dinner and we’re sitting in a brightly lit common room with playwright David Edgar. We’ve come up to Northampton University for the 50th anniversary conference of Searchlight … [Continue reading]
Gerry Gable Interview: Meet The Searchlight Spymaster
On 17th May 1959 a 32-year old Antiguan carpenter, Kelso Cochrane, was making his way from Paddington General Hospital to his home in Notting Hill following a minor work accident. It was past midnight and when he hit the junction of Southam Street … [Continue reading]
Geoffrey Seed Interview: Fact Becomes Fiction
“‘The common currency of both our professions is information. You want information. We want information. I can get you this, but I want the following things…’ what he wanted was information about my colleagues at Granada [TV].” It is a blistering … [Continue reading]
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