Fab Farage: A UKIP Odyssey (Integrity… with Slightly Racist Notes)

(Featuring Stella)   A comedy song about UKIP - an unbelievable parody of a political party. The fact that this gaggle of racist chuckleheads have so much passionate support in this country makes us all do a little sick in our collective mouths. Vocals by Stella, words by Kathryn and Nick.   … [Read more...]

Chiswick House: Cue the Music… (Or Why We’ve Been Socially Inept Since 2007)

The weather was still annoyingly indecisive as we wandered along the dual carriageway to the main entrance of Chiswick House grounds. It all seemed a bit of a swizz for Spring, but least it hadn’t rained for a couple of days, and we had been reliably informed that one of the finest shows of the season would soon be underway. Ducking into the grounds by the North Lodge, we made our way past the grand old gatehouse and through the orchard where some of the apple blossoms were just a few weeks away from making themselves known. It was getting on for 5.00pm as we tiptoed through the Italian gardens. “Where’s the cascade again?” began Nick, looking a tad lost.  The reply, which involved the phrase “past the Ha Ha and behind the house,” did nothing to ease the look of confusion. Dodging through the Roman looking statues, with Kathryn taking the lead, we quickened our pace and made a beeline for the brilliant white house. … [Read more...]

Expert Chocolatiers: Easily (Always) Distracted by Beer

The window display in Phillip Neal’s chocolate shop on Turnham Green Terrace is so monstrously exciting that we can hardly resist stopping to admire the Easter eggs. There's always such a fantastic display and these are just an added bonus in amongst the fun chocolate shoes, bizarre gold Buddhas and all the other bits and bobs that make up the shop’s usual wares. “Have you ever tried that ‘raw chocolate pie’ stuff?” Kathryn asks suddenly, after we’ve salivated for a minute or two. Once it had been established that Nick doesn’t have a clue that raw chocolate pie is actually a thing, we make our way further up the street to the ‘Natural Food Store’ and straight to the fridge at the back. There are three flavours on display: ‘Nut’, ‘Peppermint’ and 'Chilli’ all wrapped in small brightly coloured 60g packets. … [Read more...]

New Single: Spamming to the Tune of Bob Marley’s Jammin’

Not all spam is bad… some of it is so brilliant it even deserves a song. Click here to read our mission statement, find out what we're talking about... and hear the full song. Slices of Spam:     Spamming is available on iTunes, Amazon and the Google Play Store... All proceeds generously donated to the Kathryn and Nick 2014 beer fund. … [Read more...]

Jamie Oliver: Lovely ‘Grub’ at Union Jacks in Chiswick

Sunday lunch at Jamie Oliver's Union Jacks restaurant in Chiswick is lovely... except for what appears to be a cooked grub in one of the roast potatoes. We just hope the poor thing enjoyed a fulfilling free-range lifestyle before Ray ate him. … [Read more...]

Bitcoin Fever: 2013 – The Year of a $110 Million Online Heist

Aside from “twerking” the only word that has made both the Oxford and Collins “word of the year” list is “Bitcoin”… and this is little wonder to anyone who has been following the story. In 2013 Bitcoin has caused nothing but greed, debate and bafflement in the online world. It has leapt in value, been accepted in an ever increasing array of stores... and at the start of December was at the heart of the biggest online robbery of all time. Have you been caught up in Bitcoin fever yet? … [Read more...]

Not Frank Turner: Bad Shepherds World Tour Finale

No team is truly seamless and despite having worked together for over six years we're not without our rifts. Nick is a music buff, Kathryn hasn't got the first clue... put this together and it doesn’t always make for the easiest gigging experience. Now for the first time in three years we finally agree on something (and it's not just the strawberry milkshake beer), however, will it finally erase the awful memory of Frank? … [Read more...]

Outbrain Marketing Review: A Fictional Cape Wearing Lunatic & the Unusual Truth About Content in 2013

Businesses are increasingly turning to content, and more specifically, Content Marketing, to maximise brand engagement, but do they really know what consumers want? After all, 33% of organisations surveyed in the IMN 2013 Content Marketing Survey state they don’t even have a strategy in place. Kathryn and Nick trial Outbrain’s PPC content discovery system for two weeks and discover a, perhaps not so surprising, appetite for fiction... In October 2008 Greg Goode burst into cyberspace with a bizarre omen, rhyming poem and story about how his retirement dreams had been crushed. By April he was dressed in a 16th century cape, a wig Elton John would laugh at and firmly believed he had founded a new society. This was Greg’s fictional blog, Rebellion, run online, in real-time over six months and promoted using a range of digital marketing and social media. … [Read more...]

Chasing Charlie: Why Dickens Makes All Journos, Marketers & Copywriters Seethe with Envy

Charles Dickens' fantastical talents deliver a massive slap in the face for most copywriters, editors, content marketers, dramatists, journalists and authors. How could one man deliver 20,000+ high quality words a month, shift huge volumes of books, promote  important social causes and still find time to walk an average of 10 miles a day around London? Kathryn and Nick have been battling jealousy of Dickens for years and eventually decide to walk in his footsteps in a last ditch attempt to see if anything rubs off... … [Read more...]

Tolkien: 40 Years’ Dead But a New Career?

This month marks the fortieth anniversary of Tolkien's death, yet despite an intervening digital revolution, the publishing industry is still struggling to keep up with his legacy. We investigate the future of publishing... and why the world is still chasing Tolkien. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, born in 1892, was often photographed in his study dressed in a tweed jacket, waistcoat and tie, with a pipe clamped firmly to his lips. Behind his head antiquated looking tomes line the old fashioned bookcases. For 34 years, he was an Oxford don. He specialised in Anglo Saxon, a subject which sounds as dusty and dull as it comes, yet through a brilliant mind and in-depth knowledge of language, he brought whole fictional universes to life. For many people Middle Earth is easily as real as London. … [Read more...]