Archives for December 2015

“Wilful Murder?” Clive Bloom on Thatcher’s Secret War…

“I wanted to write a political thriller,” to cover the factual story nobody else was covering, Clive Bloom tells Searchlight Magazine Arts over the phone from his home in London. Bloom is Emeritus Professor of English and American Studies at Middlesex University, author of numerous books, and is talking about his latest, Thatcher's Secret War: Subversion, Coercion, Secrecy and Government, 1974-1990. He describes a time when the actions of the Security Services in Northern Ireland was “underhand, illegal and transferred over to the mainland,” where the intelligence agencies answered to nobody, and where a series of events “came together violently in wilful murder” - perhaps even with the killing of Airey Neave -- escapee from Colditz and Conservative MP for Abingdon -- who died in a car bomb attack in 1979. … [Read more...]

Song: You Ain’t No Muslim Bruv

Stella has just sent us her take on the heckle heard around the world. It made us giggle… and like all of her stuff, we’ll keep putting it online until she gets us sued (at which point we’ll just stand on a street corner with a speaker).   … [Read more...]